Working with three easily distracted 1st grade boys is a challenge. The boys were ready to learn, ready to improve their reading skills but unable to attend for any length of time. Fortunately the lesson moves rapidly and allows the boys to actively participate. Unfortunately moving at the pace that kept their rapt attention caused me to finish ahead of the allotted 30 minute time frame. Tomorrow I will work to keep the pace slow enough to try to meet the time frame yet still have 3 boys engaged in the activity.
It turns out eleven fourth graders were qualifying for the 1st intervention group. 11 is too large a group for quality intervention so we have decided to divide the group into 2 smaller groups and have one group meet on Monday/Wednesday and the other on Tues./Thurs. We are unable to meet on Fridays because of the 4th grade schedule so this may work quite well.
More hands on for the little ones?