The top picture shows how we finally decided to arrange the phonics awareness manipulative kits.
However, one of my co-workers sent an email to the 95% Group asking them exactly how people arranged the kit and they sent us the photo on the left.
Interesting how a group of people can look at the same exact items and organize them in a totally different manner. Clearly we could not visualize the best way to do organize all our materials. Notice in the top picture we only have 20 separate boxes with much less materials in that box. The bottom box has every item that needs to be in the box - in the box! We didn't know what to do with the sets we couldn't fit into our storage box, so we put them into zip lock bags and then stored them in another plastic tote. We knew it wasn't efficient or correct but we were stumped. Thank goodness for digital photography and email!
The 4th grade RTI math groups are really enjoying working with markers and small white boards. We are re-teaching lines, line segments, rays, parallel lines and congruent lines. The kids are motivated and engaged! It's exciting to see them being successful.
A teacher's dream!