Sunday, October 30, 2011

My journey into RTI began before this blog.  Last spring and earlier this fall I went to a few in-services about RTI at KISD.  I have always believed in the RTI model of early intervention so it is easy for me to agree with the program.  During our last meeting with the representatives of the 95% Group I could not help but compare how the materials they are providing us are very similar to the practices I already use in my daily reading groups but using Saxon Phonics instead.  It is interesting for me to see that a program I love and believe in aligns up so closely with "something new".  It is also amazing to me that so many of my fellow special ed teachers have the program and do not use it.  I am wondering why.  I have asked a few and they say, "Oh, but it takes so much time."  Yes, it does, but isn't it worth it?  I think I'll investigate this a bit farther and see what the rest of my colleagues are thinking.

For the past 2 weeks, I have been taking a first grade group, for 1/2 hour a day, and teaching them the phonemic awareness skills they will need to learn to become successful readers.  It is interesting to quickly see which skills they have and which skills they need to learn.

Beginning Tuesday, I am going to help our reading consultant conduct the PASSE on the first graders.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today I met with my principal to set my work goals for the school year.  I have chosen to learn more about RTI and work with the 1st, 2nd and 4th grade classes in an RTI model.  I am excited to be working with all the different grade levels.  

I'm excited to be working with 1st and 2nd graders to improve their reading skills.  Our school is working with the 95% Group to learn the methods needed to intervene with the children who are needing some type of support during reading.  I think the most exciting part thus far is that we will be helping all kids not just the lowest, highest or average kids.  

I will be helping 4th grade discover how to intervene in the area of math.  We are beginning with basic multiplication and division facts.  I am somewhat frustrated by the 4th grade team.  I need to help them understand what RTI is and why we need to do it on a regular basis.  Sometimes it's difficult to move from what you've always done into something new, and I realize that, but having to drag someone kicking and protesting all the way is exhausting.

Finally I will be keeping this blog to document my journal and incorporate technology into my learning.